
Gynaecology Department - Bharatiya Nidhi Hospital


Regular visits to a Gynaecologist enables a woman to keep up to date on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and minimize health risks at each stage of life. Annual screenings are recommended which include measuring vital signs, BMI, palpating the abdomen and inguinal lymph nodes, a pelvic examination (Pap smear), a breast examination (appropriate for patient’s age) and assessing overall health.

Issues relating to pregnancy, fertility, menstruation, and menopause

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs)


Emergency care relating to gynaecology

Sexual dysfunction

Sexuality, including health issues relating to same-sex and bisexual relationships

Premalignant conditions, such as endometrial hyperplasia, and cervical dysplasia

Endometriosis, a chronic condition that affects the reproductive system

Benign conditions of the reproductive tract, for example, ovarian cysts, fibroids, breast disorders, vulvar and vaginal ulcers, and other non-cancerous changes

Congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive tract

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Urinary and faecal incontinence

Well planned program to quit Smokins

Ante-natal & post-natal care

Family planning, including contraception, sterilization, and pregnancy termination

Problems with tissues that support the pelvic organs, including ligaments and muscles

Cancers of the reproductive tract and the breasts, and pregnancy-related tumours

Pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID), including abscesses

Doctor's Panel

  • Dr. Madhuri Joshi
  • Dr. Charu Gaikwad
  • Dr. Sanket Pisat
  • Dr. Uddhavraj Dudhedia
  • Dr. Anisha Agarwal
  • Dr. V G Pisat