Our dedicated cashless team is well experienced and trained to provide you a seamless experience in facilitating the cashless hospitalization process through co-ordination with your insurance company / tpas because we understand that during a medical emergency or even in planned hospitalization, you need to take care of your ill family member or friend, and not burden yourself with the payments of bills/claims and co-ordinations with your insurance agents and numerous paper work and queries.

Kindly ensure to get the following for processing your cashless claims faster with us:

copy of patient’s pan card & aadhar card

copy of health card

doctor’s consultation papers & any papers relating to previous hospitalizations (if any)

all previous investigation reports

pre-authorization forms duly filled & signed need to be submitted to tpas / insurance cos. Preferably within 24 hours of hospitalization

We would be glad to help you to solve your queries/ answers regarding reimbursement claims if needed.
Speak to us directly between 10 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.

Get Your Quote or Call On +91 - 22 - 26206021 / 26206493 / 26247121 / 26240733 / 26287191.
Ext - 501